Source code for jsonvalidate.jsonvalidate

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Module that provides a helper classes for defining schema and validation for json

import re
import six

TYPE_ERROR = 'type_error'
NULL_ERROR = 'null_error'
KEY_MISSING_ERROR = 'key_missing_error'
RANGE_ERROR = 'range_error'
LENGTH_ERROR = 'length_error'
ENUM_ERROR = 'enum_error'
REGEX_ERROR = 'regex_error'


# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods

[docs]def err(error): """ Utility function for returning serializable json payload. """ return {error.__name__: error.todict()}
[docs]class Error(object): """Base class that is subclassed by Concrete error types.""" __name__ = 'Error'
[docs] def todict(self): # pylint disable=to-few-public-methods """ Converts python object to serializable dictionary. """ r = vars(self) r.update({'type': self.__name__}) return r
def __repr__(self): return self.__name__
class _TypeError(Error): """A class that represents type mismatch""" __name__ = TYPE_ERROR def __init__(self, expected, actual): self.expected = expected self.actual = actual
[docs]class KeyMissingError(Error): """A class that represents key mismatch error""" __name__ = KEY_MISSING_ERROR
[docs]class NullError(Error): """A class that represents null error""" __name__ = NULL_ERROR
[docs]class RegExError(Error): """A class that represents regex error""" __name__ = REGEX_ERROR
[docs]class LengthError(Error): """A class that represents length invalidation error""" __name__ = LENGTH_ERROR def __init__(self, actual_length=None, expected_min_length=None, expected_max_length=None): """ :param actual_length :param expected_min_length :param expected_max_lengt """ self.actual_length = actual_length self.expected_min_length = expected_min_length self.expected_max_length = expected_max_length
[docs]class RangeError(Error): """A subclass of error for range validation""" __name__ = RANGE_ERROR def __init__(self, actual_val, valid_range): """ :param actual_val :param valid_range """ self.actual_val = actual_val self.valid_range = valid_range
[docs]class EnumError(Error): """A class that represents enum invalidation error""" __name__ = ENUM_ERROR def __init__(self, actual, enums): self.actual = actual self.enums = enums
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
[docs]class Contract(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """Abstract Base class for both primitives types""" # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def check(self, *args): """last method in MRO chain that will eventually return false as an error""" return False, None
[docs]class Type(Contract): """Abstract Base class for Type validation""" __name__ = 'Type' _type = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.optional = kwargs.get('optional', False) self.nullable = kwargs.get('nullable', False) super(Type, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def check(self, val): """ Checks for type mismatch. """ if not self.optional and (not self.nullable or val) and not isinstance(val, self._type): return True, _TypeError(self.__name__, type(val).__name__).todict() return super(Type, self).check(val)
[docs]class KeyMissingContract(Contract): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.optional = kwargs.get('optional', False) super(KeyMissingContract, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def check(self, val): """ Checks for key mismatch """ _err = {} _err[KEY_MISSING_ERROR] = KeyMissingError().todict() if not self.optional and val == __NOT_AVAILABLE__: return True, _err return super(KeyMissingContract, self).check(val)
[docs]class NullContract(Contract): """A Null Contract class that implements check method for nullable value""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # pop the nullable key from the kwargs self.nullable = kwargs.get('nullable', False) super(NullContract, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def check(self, val): """Checks if the value is null and delegate the method call to next method in MRO""" _err = {} if not self.nullable and val is None: _err[NULL_ERROR] = NullError().todict() return True, _err return super(NullContract, self).check(val)
[docs]class LengthContract(Contract): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.min_length = kwargs.get('min_length') if self.min_length and not isinstance(self.min_length, int): raise TypeError('min_length must be of type int.') self.max_length = kwargs.get('max_length') if self.max_length and not isinstance(self.max_length, int): raise TypeError('max_length must be of type int.') super(LengthContract, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def check(self, val): value_length = 0 if val == __NOT_AVAILABLE__ or val == None else len(val) if self.min_length and value_length < self.min_length: return True, err(LengthError( actual_length=value_length, expected_min_length=self.min_length )) if self.max_length and value_length > self.max_length: return True, err(LengthError( actual_length=value_length, expected_max_length=self.max_length )) return super(LengthContract, self).check(val)
[docs]class RegExContract(Contract): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # pop the regex key from the kwargs self.regex = kwargs.get('regex', False) super(RegExContract, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def check(self, val): """Checks if the value match regex and delegate the method call to next method in MRO""" if self.regex: try: regex = r"{}".format(self.regex) if re.compile(regex) and not re.match(regex, val): return True, err(RegExError()) except re.error as error: raise ValueError('invalid regular expression') return super(RegExContract, self).check(val)
[docs]class RangeContract(Contract): """Applicable to Integer""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.range = kwargs.get('range', None) if self.range: if not isinstance(self.range, list): raise TypeError('range argument must be of type list.') if not all(type(val) in [int, float] for val in self.range): raise TypeError('Range argument must be of type int or float') if len(self.range) != 2 or self.range[0] >= self.range[1]: raise ValueError('Invalid range argument.') super(RangeContract, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def check(self, val): if self.range and (val < self.range[0] or val > self.range[1]): return True, err(RangeError(val, self.range)) return super(RangeContract, self).check(val)
[docs]class EnumContract(Contract): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.enums = kwargs.get('enums', None) if self.enums: if not isinstance(self.enums, list): raise TypeError('enums must be of type list') super(EnumContract, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def check(self, val): if self.enums and val not in self.enums: return True, err(EnumError(val, self.enums)) return super(EnumContract, self).check(val)
[docs]class StringContract(Type): """Type Contract for String""" __name__ = 'String' _type = six.string_types
[docs]class IntegerContract(Type): """Type Contract for Integer""" __name__ = 'Integer' _type = six.integer_types
[docs]class FloatContract(Type): """Type Contract for Float""" __name__ = 'Float' _type = float
[docs]class BooleanContract(Type): __name__ = 'Boolean' """Type Contract for Boolean""" _type = bool
[docs]class Object(Contract): __name__ = 'Object' def __init__(self, object_shape): if not isinstance(object_shape, dict): raise TypeError( 'Requires argument of type dict as a validation Schema.') self.object_shape = object_shape
[docs] def check(self, value): # make sure that val of type is of dict if value is None: # that means we have a Null error return True, err(NullError()) if not isinstance(value, dict): return True, err(_TypeError( self.__name__, type(value).__name__ )) error = False result = {} for key, contract in self.object_shape.items(): # grab the value or None _val = value.get(key, __NOT_AVAILABLE__) _error, _result = contract.check(_val) if _error: error = True result[key] = _result return error, result
[docs]class List(Contract): __name__ = 'List' def __init__(self, object_shape): if not isinstance(object_shape, Contract): raise TypeError('Must be of valid type of list.') self.object_shape = object_shape
[docs] def check(self, value): if value is None: return True, err(NullError()) if not isinstance(value, list): return True, err(_TypeError( self.__name__, type(value).__name__ )) # if this is the list then we need to traverse the list error = False result = {} for index, val in enumerate(value): _error, _result = self.object_shape.check(val) if _error: error = True result[index] = _result return error, result